Two handed sword

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Axe - Club - Curved blade - Exotic - Flail - Knife - Longsword - Marksmanship - Polearm - Rapier - Shortsword - Spear - Staff - Two handed axe - Two handed sword

Attack Type: Slash
Fast for: No One Viable for: Paladin, Ranger, maybe Rogue
Uniques: Elvenheart, Powersword
  • Pros: High damage, reasonable parrying
  • Cons: Heavy, rare, slow to skill, especially at the start
  • High End Choices: Elves and half-elves obviously should wield Elvenheart – making a puny character one of the highest physical damage dealing. Steel greatsword from felgands pretty awesome, otherwise shadow sword or powersword are ok.

Suggested Skill Progression:

  • 0-40 Sword of Frost or Stone-Cutter sword from Giant’s conference.
  • 40-60 Large Sword from Frost Giants’ Steading.
  • 60-100 Shadow Sword from Razar, Elvenheart(for helf/elf) from Fort Vaugn, Powersword from Asvyan’s Domain, Steel Greatsword from felgands

Also you can use the list below to find an appropriate weapon for your skill range.

Skill Weapon Wt. Str Area NPC Damage Parry Handed
0-5 Beast-slayer Balan Balan Greater than Average Very Poor Two Handed
Skill Weapon Wt. Str Area NPC Damage Parry Handed
Skill Weapon Wt. Str Area NPC Damage Parry Handed
Skill Weapon Wt. Str Area NPC Damage Parry Handed
Skill Weapon Wt. Str Area NPC Damage Parry Handed
Skill Weapon Wt. Str Area NPC Damage Parry Handed
Skill Weapon Wt. Str Area NPC Damage Parry Handed
Skill Weapon Wt. Str Area NPC Damage Parry Handed
45-55 A large steel sword 10 Nepeth Captain of the cityguard Average Good Two Handed
45-55 A rusted two-handed sword >9 Battlefield An undead Knight Average Adequate Two Handed
45-55 A steel bastard sword 3 >9 Nepeth The village sherriff Average Fine Two Handed
45-55 A sword of frost 11 Giant Conference Giants Conference Greater than Average Serviceable Two Handed
45-55 A thick sword 4 <12 Mystic Fair Sinyssham Greater than Average Serviceable Two Handed
45-55 An iron greatsword 4 10 Felgands training camp Andredes, the adept swordsman Greater than Average Good Two Handed
45-55 An outstanding sword 5 15 Brunswik A restful-looking guard Greater than Average Fine Two Handed
45-55 Stone-cutter Sword 11 Giant Conference Giants Conference Greater than Average Serviceable Two Handed
45-55 a big steel sword 4 Virgision Village Runni, the Virgision warrior Greater than Average Fine Two Handed
Skill Weapon Wt. Str Area NPC Damage Parry Handed
55-65 A large sword 4 11 Steading Frost Giant Average Fine Two Handed
55-65 A nice broadsword 3 Nepeth Hanness Average Very Good Two Handed
Skill Weapon Wt. Str Area NPC Damage Parry Handed
65-85 A steel greatsword 6 14 Felgands training camp Kurnas, the skilled warrior Greater than Average Splendid Two Handed
Skill Weapon Wt. Str Area NPC Damage Parry Handed
85-100 The Shadow Sword 5 16 Chaos Tower Razar Average Fine Two Handed
85-100 Demon's Frenzy 6 16 Varies Design documents Greater than Average Fine Two Handed
85-100 Shadow Blade 7 16 Varies Design documents Greater than Average Fine Two Handed
85-100 Elvenheart the Sword 5 Brigand Fortress Zorgon Average Nearly Perfect Two Handed
85-100 Two-Handed Powersword 5 16 Asyvans Domain Asyvans Temple Average Nearly Perfect Two Handed

If you feel so inclined, weapons listed below (if any) need an eval

Skill Weapon Wt. Str Area NPC Damage Parry Handed