Commodities Exchange

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The Commodities Exchange (more commonly called CX) is located in Tantallon 2e, s, w from the crossroads. You can get money and experience by helping with package deliveries. It is open from 6:00 am to 9:00 pm game time. (Type 'time' to see the current time in-game.)

You can make approximately 3000 coins each game day (4 real-life hours) running CX. When you get close to 3000, Lou cuts you off until the next day.

Getting Started

Lou will not give you any delivery jobs until you 'read rules' which explain how the CX works. You can then attempt to 'accept' the current job. He will initially refuse, but keep trying to accept the easier deliveries (to locations within Tantallon; see list below) and eventually he'll give in.

Go to the specified area and 'deliver' the package - do NOT give it to an NPC.

Pembrook, in the room below Lou, offers slightly more lucrative jobs, but you need to work your way up to these by doing several easy deliveries with Lou first.

If you fail to deliver the job you've accepted both Pembrook or Lou will get angry at you and not give you any more jobs ! Don't despair, you just need to start again from scratch (asking for the easiest, lowest paying jobs) making sure not to ask for the same job after you've been denied once. After a while of this he will let you take the easy jobs once again.

Delivery Locations

Locations in Tantallon are bolded. Directions are from crossroads, not from CX!

Ancient Bliss Bar: 13n, 6w, 6n, 2w, n, w, n

Ancient Inn in northeastern village: 10n, 3e, 5n, e, s

Auction Hall: 3s, 4w, s

Bank in Hobbitat: 33n, ne, 2n, e, ne, n, 3w

Bank in Tantallon: 3w, s, e

Barber shop in Hobbitat: 33n, ne, n, e, n, ne, n, 2e

Bard in Ancient Bliss Inn: 13n, 6w, 6n, 2w, n, e

Brawling arena: n, e, n

Butcher shop in Nepeth: 13n, 6w, 6n, 3e, n, e

Canticle offices: 8w, enter hut

Clan hut entrance in Scythe camp: 11s, w, s, w, walk

Clerics’ Common Church: 3w, n, e, n, e

Coachline offices: 5w, 2s, w

Constabulary in Neville: 10n, 3e, 5n, 2e, s

Doctor’s office in Dwarven mines: 16n, 3w, 2n, nw, 2w

Eastroad Inn: 10n, e, enter

Eastroad Inn reception desk: 10n, e, enter, e

Flower shop in Nepeth: 13n, 6w, 6n, 2w, s

Fredd’s Equipment Shop: 5w, 4s

Goblin Alchemist in Ravel: 12w, n, nw, 4w, 2n, 3w, n, enter

Grandfather Goblin in Ravel: 12w, n, nw, 4w, 3n, enter, w

Hall of Audience in Nepeth: 13n, 6w, 12n, w

Hanza’s Map Shop: 3s, 6w

Infirmary in Dwarven mines: 16n, 3w, 2n, nw, w, n

Ironman and Willim’s Smithy: 6w, s

Knights of Drin guildhall: 13n, 6w, 13n

Library in Nepeth: 13n, 6w, 3n, e, n

Library in Tantallon: 3w, n, w

Magic Shop: 5w, 2s, e

Nursery in Dwarven mines: 16n, 3w, 2n, nw, 2n, e

Nurse’s station in Dwarven mines: 16n, 3w, 2n, nw, 2n, w

Oterim the Sage: 10n, 3e, 5n, 2e, n

Paper boy: 3w

Pub in Tantallon: 3w, 2n

Ranger camp: 31n, 9w, 10n, 16e, s

Scythe camp shop: 11s, w, s, w, walk, w, n, w, s

Scythe camp tobacco seller: 11s, w, s, w, walk, w, n, 2w, n

Sheriff’s office in Nepeth: 13n, 6w, 6n, 4e

Shop in Hobbitat: 33n, ne, e

Shop in Nepeth: 13n, 6w, 10n, 2w, n

Shop in Tantallon: w, n

Taverna in Dalair: 16w, 7n

Training academy: n, e

Tower of the Magi: 3w, s, w, u